Student Leadership Programs
Student Council​
Elected students in grades 6, 7 and 8 serve as the executive committee of the St. Francis of Assisi Student Council. They discuss and plan activities and events to make the school better for all.
Elected students from grades 1 through 8 serve as classroom representatives. Eligibility criteria include no lower than a P (progressing) in all academic subjects and R (routinely) in successful learner traits.
Service to our school and church community are essential components of Council activity. Planning pep rallies, organizing Catholic Schools Week, and leading Monday Morning Prayer Assembly have elements of both service and community-building. Being greeters at the first day of school, Back-to-School Night, and Grandparent’s Day is a tremendous responsibility which our Student Council Commissioners must fulfill. The Council honors our environment by recycling and hosting special Earth Day projects. They promote healthy, responsible living through Red Ribbon Week activities and Field Day.
In the area of spiritual development, Student Council assists with Masses on Holy Days as well as school-wide student body Masses. Through service commitments, Student Council involvement helps contribute to school improvement and personal growth.